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      Ultrasonic BTU Meter


      • Residential submetering
      • Commercial buildings
      • District heating / cooling
      • HVAC
      • Green energy management
      • AMR and Billing


      • Wear-free. Maintenance-free
      • Unique sensor design for robust performance in both clear water and dirty water
      • Multipath technology for increased accuracy
      • Excellent long-term stability. Accuracy does not degrade over time
      • Exceed OIML R75 class 2. Billing grade
      • IP68 water-proof rated for the sensor, IP67 for the integrator
      • Powered by both battery and MBus for extended lifespan
      • For both heating and cooling circuits
      • Free positioning
      • Ready for AMR with M-Bus / Modbus / BACnet interface
      • Low cost over the long run
      • Data Logger with 18 monthly totals
      • SpireCapture AMR/AMI and Billing solutions

      Electrical Data
      Power Supply: Battery, 3.6V, Lithium. Alternatively, the meter could be powered by MBus with current draw of less than 3mA
      Replacement Interval: 5 years at tBAT <30°C Power Consumption: <0.2W Standby Current: <10uA Backup Power Supply: Internal SuperCap
      Communication Interface: M-Bus (default). Optional: RS485 with MODBUS, or BACnet/MSTP
      CE approval: EN61326-1:2006

      Accuracy / MPE (Maximum Permissible Error)
      MPE according to OIML R75 / EN1434, the whole system error is the combination of the following:
      Calculator (Integrator): Ec = ± (0.5 + ΔΘmin /ΔΘ)
      Temperature Sensor: Et = ± (0.5 + 3ΔΘmin /ΔΘ)
      Flow Sensor: Ef = ± (2 + 0.02 qn /q)
      Here ΔΘ is the temperature difference between the flow and return of the heat exchange
      circuit. q is the flow rate and qp is the nominal flow rate.
      NOTE: The actual error of 280T meters is much smaller than the above MPE.

      Calculator (Integrator)
      Display: LCD, 8 digits
      Resolution: 999.99999 – 999999.99 – 99999999
      Energy Unit: KWh – MWh – GJ
      Communication Protocol: M-Bus (default). Optional: MODBUS or BACnet

      Category: Product ID: 3219